Why should investor select Turkey for investment?
Why should investors put money into Turkey? No Need to have a Visa If you want to travel to Turkey, you can have a trip just by passport and without Visa, Also, If you are interested in living in Turkey for 1 year, you could have a tourist residence permit too. Return of Investment In the few years, Turkey has had obvious inflations but you can choose a property wisely and use this situation for your own benefit. This process has a sensibility off-course but if it happens a reliable consultant can be done with a perfect ROI. Luxurious Projects For the last 10 years, Engineers and Architects could build professional projects like skyscrapers and classical housing projects, especially in Istanbul. For example one of the most powerful construction projects in Turkey is Istanbul Airport which takes 2 years to be completed. Turkish Passport Another reason to invest in Turkey is to get Citizenship after putting money into properties. The price of investment needs to be clarified by the...